Search engine optimization,(SEO) is the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in Google, Microsoft Bing,
and other search engines whenever people search for: Products you sell.
Services you provide. -socialsellinator
Optimization: Ensures that the website is user-friendly to the users that are using mobile devices,desktop versions and tablet usage.
Google uses mobile-first indexing which enhances your chances of ranking higher in mobile search result. it optimizes the user expiernce, leads increase engagement and promotes longer session durations.
Page Speed is used to optimize the websites loading speed for mobile devices. Think with Google, helps market your website by checking the speed of each mobile page you design, aswell as givinng you tips on how to create an impactful website for better user expierence.
High-Quality Content is creating relevent, valuable and engaing content. Google Webmasters, provides support to creating high quality mobile content it provides responsive web designs, mobile friendly designs, and optimises for different types of devices.
Social Media Presence maintains activity in social media platforms. As we are now in a digital world, social media impacts the search ranking and can drive traffic to your site.
UX, User Expiernce always prioritize user expiernce when building a website, making sure easy navigation, good site structure and clear call to actions. This can gain a greater user satification and better ranking when done so.
Secure Websites Ensures that your website is secure with HTTPS. google is great for performace to secure website which as a user perspective it builds trust between the client and user.